
Double Orange

This weekend I made a Double Orange Cake. It was the first time I made this cake and it turned out really well. It was very light and not overly sweet.  It wasn’t overly hard to make but I did run into problems with the orange.  The recipe called for “the juice of one large orange”.  I didn’t use the whole orange as I thought that it would make the cake too moist.  I much prefer recipes that tell me exactly how much orange juice to use as I have no idea how large a large orange is.

Double Orange Cake

Double Orange Cake

2 Responses to “Double Orange”

  1. Andrew Wilson Says:

    I so relate to this. I just made some soup which the recipe called “Italian Red Bean and Pasta Soup”. Now you would think a soup called that would heavily feature red beans and pasta. It was supposed to have 4 sticks of celery in it. I looked at that and decided it was celery overkill, so I went with 3 stick of celery. “Death by Celery” would have been a more appropriate name for what I ended up with. It was basically celery soup with red bean and pasta highlights. Obviously I bought the deformed uber-celery, or maybe she was using a pygmy variaety, but how am I supposed to know that. It seems it would have been better all round if she’d just specified a weight.

  2. karen Says:

    There is no doubt that weights are much better. I have had problems with quite a few cakes now because Japanese fruit tends to be on the large size and uber-juicy.

    4 sticks of celery seems like a lot of celery. I don’t think I have ever seen small celery sticks, but they are bound to exist somewhere.