
Catalogue Change on

I am impressed that I managed to understand the forms on the Japanese Amazon site and have gotten the author of Mastering Perl changed from Brian D. Fox to Brian D. Foy.  This isn’t the perfect way to present this name but “Foy” has to be better than “Fox”.

It took me a while to understand most of the email they sent me and I wasn’t completely sure that they were going to change the entry.  I used google translate on some of the bits I got stuck on and I’m still trying to work out why Amazon are going to ask “the fish” before the change would be made.   (I don’t know if you have ever tried using google translate for translating Japanese into English but it’s very clear that this is still in beta as it comes up with some very funny translations.)

One Response to “Catalogue Change on”

  1. brian d foy Says:

    Hey, thanks!

    Now if they can fix the author credit that would be nice. Randal is not the author of that book. 🙂