
Stormy Weather

I have had family call about a typhoon. I hadn’t even realised that there had been a typhoon here but I have since gone and looked up information on Typhoon Man-Yi. We are all fine if a little wet from spending the day walking about in the rain.

2 Responses to “Stormy Weather”

  1. Norwin Says:

    Yes, the typhoon was mentioned in the news here, but it also said it had hit the south, so I didn’t think you would have been affected.

  2. karen Says:

    My family gets concerned if anything happens in Japan or Tokyo. I haven’t been able to explain to them that Tokyo is a really large city. I’m not really sure why that is as even Belfast is large enough for the weather to be different across the city. For example you can have snow in North Belfast when it remains mild in South Belfast.